Offer digital certificates

A Digital Certificate is a micro-credential that Owners of Organiser’s Account can enable and badge earners can generate after receiving a badge. Currently, organisers can offer certificates for Activity and Playlist completion badges - automatically generated badges together when creating an activity or playlist. Contact us at to activate the Certificate feature for your Organiser’s Account.

To offer a Digital Certificate:

  1. Send us an email at with a request to activate the Certificate feature for your Organiser’s account. We will notify you about enabling the Certificate feature shortly.
  2. Go and modify the Badge of the Activity or Playlist you want to offer a Digital Certificate for.
  3. Scroll down to the section Miscellaneous in the badge settings.
  4. Click YES in the ‘Allow generate certificate from badge settings’.
  5. Send instructions to badge earners how they can generate their Digital Certificate.

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